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5– 30 August

The organizational structure envisaged for the Festival by its founders was thrown overboard with the dissolution of the Salzburg Festspielhaus Association on 1 April. In its place came a General Artistic Director’s position, which went to Clemens Krauss with a ten-year contract. Realizing that the gap left by the cancellation of Jedermann was still unclosed, the Festival commissioned Richard Billinger to write a Paracelsus Play as a successor to Hofmannsthal’s masterpiece.

1942: Clemens Krauss is appointed General Artistic Director (Generalintendant) of the Salzburg Festival.

New production
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Iphigenie auf Tauris
D: Lothar Müthel
Ds: Wilhelm Reinking

New production
Johann Nestroy
Einen Jux will er sich machen
D: Herbert Waniek
Ds/Cs: Stefan Hlawa

New production
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Le nozze di Figaro
C: Clemens Krauss
D: Walter Felsenstein
D/Con: Stefan Hlawa

New production
Richard Strauss
C: Clemens Krauss
D: Rudolf Hartmann
Ds: Robert Kautsky
Cs: Erni Kniepert

8 orchestral concerts, 3 chamber concerts, 7 serenades

Details of the several years:

1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944,